A Special Offer for New Business Underwriters
Get 50% more underwriting messages for free. Reach over 90,000 active, educated, and influential listeners per week and make an impact on your business for 2019.
Contact Donna Bannon at 401-405-6003 today.
Our audience is connected to their community and wants to patronize local businesses in Rhode Island and Bristol County, Massachusetts, who support their favorite radio station.
Our listeners are engaged consumers
- Underwriting allows your business to stand out from your competitors.
- Your 10 or 20-second messages are effective on the air because there are only 30-second breaks as opposed to six or more minutes in a stop-set on commercial radio stations.
- With exposure on our website, thepublicsradio.org, you’ll be exposed to over tens of thousands of viewers per week.
Get a return on your investment. Special introductory packages are available. Make an impact on your business today.
Contact information
Contact Donna Bannon, Manager of Corporate Underwriting, at dbannon@thepublicsradio.org
Our underwriters speak about their success:
Roz Rustigian, Owner of Rustigian Rugs:
"Now, more than ever, in-depth news is a must. In addition to nuanced coverage, The Public's Radio provides a cultural, political and economic backdrop for the issues covered on both the national and international scene. The Public's Radio is the perfect medium for a truly inquisitive mind and its product continues, year after year, to achieve a level of excellence that makes Rustigian Rugs proud to be an underwriter. Moreover, our commitment to support the station on an ongoing basis is a sound business decision. There is a high level of congruency between listeners and our customer base, and it has become the norm for our clients to thank us for our support and to state clearly that they are here to support us in turn. No other venue has, in my experience, shown such demonstrable success. Thank you for your part in a WIN-WIN partnership!"
Cathy Lund, DVM, Owner - City Kitty Veterinary Care for Cats:
"When there's chaos in the world and it's hard to know where to turn for clarity and insight, The Public's Radio is there to guide us, educate us and help us make sense out of confusion. That's why I'm proud to be a supporter and that's why City Kitty Veterinary Care for Cats has been underwriting for more than 15 years! Our clients are station addicts as well, and they think it's purr-fect that their cat's doctors publicly support something so important to our community. It shows them that we value what they value. Cat owners hear about us on the station, and they tell us time and again how grateful they are for our support. I've had many an exam room conversation that starts off with 'Did you hear on NPR...' Our clients listen to the station, they know we listen too, and they tell me our underwriting is one big reason they trust us to take care of their cats. It goes without saying that cats are discerning and can sniff out 'fake news.' They are always happy and purring when The Public's Radio is on!"
Gil MacLean, Owner of Bottles Fine Wines:
"Like The Public's Radio, Bottles Fine Wine's defining characteristic is the people who work here. We all have access to the same stories or products, but it's the selection and intelligent telling of that story by people you trust that our customers and the station's listeners have come to expect. Bottles is proud to underwrite and support the station's contribution to intelligent dialogue in Rhode Island and across the region."
Jessica Leach, Owner of Opt Eyewear Boutique - Wayland Square:
"We started underwriting and immediately saw a spike in our sales. We began to double our sales weekly compared to prior years. As a small business, The Public's Radio has proven to be the best bang for our buck with the most immediate results."
Gayle P. Hargreaves, Marketing Manager at New Bedford Whaling Museum
"At The New Bedford Whaling Museum we think that The Public's Radio listener has a lot in common with our members, staff, and visitors: they're curious about the world, interested in the arts, history and science, and believe strongly in connecting with their communities. Underwriting on The Public's Radio to raise awareness of our summer 2018 exhibition was a great fit for us. The underwriting staff made the process easy and they offered numerous ways to connect with our target audiences."
Scott Avedisian, CEO for the Rhode Island Public Transit Authority and Mobility Manager
"At RIPTA, we're committed to developing a transit system that helps residents and visitors reach as many destinations as possible inexpensively while reducing their carbon footprint. When we partnered with The Public's Radio by underwriting, we received an immediate and positive response from its listeners because they too care about the environment and appreciate low emissions and alternatives to driving that RIPTA offers. We recommend supporting The Public's Radio through underwriting because it shows our community that we support and encourage our resources."